Sold Oil Paintings
All of these paintings were created on location, or in the studio, in one or more painting sessions.
*All paintings in this gallery are sold.
**To see available paintings, click on the link below.
Way to the Bakery (Monte Castello di Vibio, Italy) 2008 Oil on canvas (framed) 11x14 (approx.) In private collection
Soccer Field (Monte Castello di Vibio, Italy) 2008 Oil on canvas 11x15in In private collection
Tree Row and Sunflowers on the Tiber River (Tuscany, Italy) 2008 Oil on paper (framed) 7x10in NFS
Warren Farm ( Mulvane, KS) 2011 Oil on panel 5x7in In private collection
View From the Park (Monte Castello di Vibio, Italy) 2008 Oil on panel (framed) 6x6in In private collection
Tall Grass Prairie Reserve 2010 Oil on panel 8x8in In private collection
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